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​I'm not able to safely fast. How can I connect to Tzom Gedalyah if I have a mitzvah to eat? 

Our answer:

Tzom Gedalya, the Fast of Gedalya, takes place on the third day of the Jewish month of Tishrei, the day after Rosh Hashana. Tzom Gedalya is a minor fast, which means that it begins at dawn and ends at darkness. Here are a few ways to connect to Tzom Gedalya when your mitzvah is to eat.


1) Consider a donation of food or money to organizations who help those dealing with food insecurity. 


2) Find ways to connect with the themes of the day. Gedalya was a Jewish leader who was murdered by a Jew. Tzom Gedalya can be a time for reflection about the importance of respectful civil discourse and creating dialogue and opportunities for listening to even those with whom we strongly disagree.


3) Say a prayer for eating on a fast day. Our prayer is here, or perhaps you will write your own words.


We hope you have a meaningful day. We support you always.​

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